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St. David

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Click on picture for location of church.

The building is used for concerts and public events as well as regular worship. The building can be hired and details can be obtained from the MA Office.


The Church Choir welcomes new members to sing at services, contact the MA Office for more information: 

Practice, Thursday - 7.00 pm-8.15 pm.


Built in the "Victorian Gothic" or "Pointed" style, in 1866, Saint David’s Church stands as a focal point for the centre of the town of Neath. Designed by John Norton, it is a fine example of blue and red brick decoration reminiscent of the style found in Keble College, Oxford, and which was prevalent during the late 19th Century.


Entering through the South Porch, you will pass the Gift Shop and the font. The Great West Window given in memory of R. H. Morgan in 1912 , depicts amongst others, St. David and St. Deiniol. There are a number of smaller stained glass windows which are dedicated to former worshippers of the Church. The church also contains fourteen charcoal 'Stations of the Cross' and an oil painting of 'The Three Magi' all by the artist, Will Roberts.


The Sanctuary, separated by brass rails, contains a number of memorial tablets. Two fine hand carved Priest Desks are each decorated with a pair of angels. The magnificent brass eagle lectern is now a permanent feature following the 2006-7 reordering of the Nave worship area. To the right of the Chancel, you will see the pipe organ built by E.H.I. Salter.


On the south side you will see the Lady Chapel, which was provided by bequest in 1925. The coloured Reredos was added in 1958 and depicts the four Gospel writers together with St. David and St. Illtyd.


If you would like further information on the Church, guides available in the Gift Shop, which is open on Friday and Saturday mornings.



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